Okay, I had this idea one night while i was pissed at my dad for yelling at me, and for no fucking reason.
Idea: What I wanna do here, is have anyone who comes to this page, think of something that really makes the wanna scream, or something that they think is just a fucking stupid idea. Basically anything you think is wrong with the world, E-mail it to me, and I'll put it on here, and I'll also take it off whenever you want. After all, I'm just a big help helper!! :-)
What you do: All you hafta do, is think of something that you dont like, and E-mail it to me with your NAME (just first is all i need), your E-mail address, and if you have one, I'll put a link to your webpage next to your complaint.
Ya know what? How about if I start. I'll tell you what inspired me to make this.
Joey W
(you already know my homepage, haha)
Okay here's what happened. And it's not like this is the first time its happened, he does it all the time!! Well one night I forgot to get the clothes out of the drier, and when my dad came home, he acted like I had commited some horrible crime. Then, he started getting all hyper-active and yelling about how I'm so lazy, even though I do almost all of the work in the house.... I ALWAYS wash all the clothes, I clean the bathroom like 2 times a week, and my room is always fucking perfect (except for when I took the pic of it for the "MyRoom" page.... I made it look messy, cuz messy is "cool". Anyway, it ended up him screaming at me, and then saying that its my fault we always get into screaming matches like this (remember, so far i haven't said a word back to him). When he does that to me all the time about everything, thats what fucking pisses me off!!!!......... see how easy that was? Now E-mail me YOUR complaints kay? THANKS!!!

Dana L
alright this is what pises off the unshakeable dana- my fucking father. i hate him. now i know whittle's is about this too but i can't help it if my fathers an asshole too. you know why i hate him? i'll tell you. i'm always to blame. he's always right. he makes my mom cry. he yells at his employees like they are his little minions. he always embarresses my family then i am the one who has to clean up the mess. he calls me ignorant and says i'm at fault for our fights. i'm a stubborn person. i know that. but i never start with him. because i'm the one who ends up getting hurt. but when he starts, i'll fight right on back. no i don't give a fuck if i get smacked around. if i don't fight back, then he wins. i'll never let him win. he can beat the shit outta me, but he can never take----- my freedom!!!!!!

Megan S.
Hi yes what bothers me is when I am all set ready to go to a show...and it fucking has to be a blizzard outside and all my rides back out(Sno-core), or I'm on my way and the drummer breaks his collarbone so they cancel it (Coal Chamber) or the tickets just plain sell out (Tattoo the Earth) :( I guess I'm just not made to go to shows. Also, another bother is that the bathrooms in my school dont have doors, so when you pee you feel like it echoes throughout the bathroom and everyperson walking by can hear you...grrrr!

Ersula ?.
grrrrrrrrr lately my moms been a real bitch to me...just exploding at me for no reason at all kalling me names that wouldnt even refer to me , ever.im i jus sit still n soak it in....like in next week i was posta go to nj but now i kant bcuz of skewl BUT it doesnt have to be in real soon i dont think n i could have a week off n still ge tit done. n PLUS i dont see my bf ever bcuz he lives in maine n when he komes down he says hes gunna get a job here but shows no effort. n what makes me like depressed is all of that plus my dad doesnt even want to know me n being unwanted by your father or mother is very very hurtful also when you know his other kids go there all the time n shit.....o well...

my complaint seems silly... because even though it seems like i should be complaining about my father, i am actually complaining about something i brought apon myself. I met a really really really cool guy last week by the name of... oh lets just say... Boey....yeah... Anyway, we talked hours over the computer for days. However, i met him on napster... even though my father told me not to meet people on the computer. I feel bad because i loved talking to him... he was so different from other people i have met... and made me feel special. So i hope he knows how cool of a person he is and how much i miss him. I am sure he does. That is all